Cleary & Josem
represents a wide variety of private and public sector labor unions, ranging from small independent labor unions to large international unions.
Our employee benefits practice
involves the representation of numerous Taft-Hartley employee benefit funds, ranging from small severance and training funds to billion dollar pension funds.
Government agencies create a need and a mandate
for unions and benefit funds to maintain compliance with constantly changing and evolving rules.
We use our knowledge of collective bargaining agreements,
union-management relationships and union pension and health and welfare plans to make sure that our clients not only obtain the workers’ compensation benefits that are rightfully due, but also do not inadvertently jeopardize any other benefits to which they are entitled.
Social Security Disability (SSD) claims can be hard to prove.
Our attorneys have won benefits for many different kinds of physical and mental disabilities.
Our representation of injured workers
includes assisting those who are need of a personal injury lawyer because of a construction, industrial or motor vehicle accident, slip and fall, medical malpractice, or workers’ compensation.
All of the lawyers at Cleary & Josem LLP have dedicated their careers to representing working people, and we have shared this honor for over three decades. We are proud of our reputation as one of the leading firms devoted exclusively to the interests of labor and working people.
News and Information
Cleary & Josem LLP Wins Significant Aribtration Contract Award for Firefighters Local Union No. 22
January 9, 2015 By admin
Cleary & Josem LLP Wins Important Victory For Retired Workers
April 15, 2013 By admin